What is a bioblitz?
A BioBlitz usually comprises a group of scientists, students, naturalists and other members of the public working together - this mixture of wildlife experts and the wider public is key to the BioBlitz concept. It is an informal and fun way to create a snapshot of the variety of life that can be found in an area. It provides an opportunity for participants to learn together and share their expertise and enthusiasm for nature. This is a great way of breaking down barriers to engagement with science and raising awareness of the role of biological recording. It also gives the public an opportunity to contribute to a genuine scientific survey.

Friday September 29nd
The data collected contributed to the Bristol Natural History Consortiums European Bioblitz.

We explored three different habitats around Silverthorne Lane including the canal bank along the Feeder, the stone walls flanking Silverthorne Lane, and Plot 6.

You can view images of the event and our observations here……

List of observed species:

One of the more interesting observations was this spider in the Silverthorne Lane walls. Either a Leibobunum rotundum or sp. A. Both are synanthropic species. "sp. A" is a newcomer to the British Isles and seems to be a brownfield specialist, possibly invasive.